Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Inner Workings of a Mind Gone Mad

He walks this earth searching for his prize,
He sees beauty all around him but it is out of his reach,
His mind is clouded by the fog that is his thoughts spinning out of control,
He cannot turn it off, he cannot make it stop,
His mind is shrouded in the darkness that is the world that he lives in,
Where is his prize?

He walks the earth alone, even as others walk with him,
He lives in his Fortress of Solitude forever trying to escape his own thoughts,
But he cannot outrun them, for they are faster, quicker than he ever imagined,
He thinks about his thoughts trying to weed them out,
But they grow thick in his mind,
Where is his prize?

He sees others moving, while he cannot,
He sees them going forward, while he walks in place, trying desperately to get to his prize,
He thinks it's so close, just out of reach, but it is far away,
Only far away because he does not know what it is, what is his prize?
Is it everything he hopes it to be?
Where is his prize?

Trapped by his thoughts, trapped by the solitude, trapped by shroud of clouds in his mind,
He still pushes forward, struggling to move,
Moving only inches forward, but an inch is better than nothing,
For all he can do is move however he moves and keep the struggle alive to find his prize,
He knows it will come and it will be great and it will be everything he hoped for, but...
Where is it...Where is his prize?