Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Article About Former Sen. Jesse Helms

Former Sen. Jesse Helms is publishing his memoirs this fall. I would actually like to read it although I disagree with many of his proclamations and opinions, especially dealing with segregation and integration. I cannot see how anyone could justify the segregation that occurred and say that voluntary integration would have come along without pressure from the federal government and civil rights organizations. I will admit voluntary integration did occur in other parts of the country to some small extend, but in the deep south it would have never happened. The whole system was just vicious, hiding behind the label of “separate but equal” while actually being truly separate but in no ways and in no places equal. Now I know our education system in the South is hurting and de facto segregation has now taken hold in most cities, but not forcing integration would not have made our current schools any better. Got more to say, but I’ll shut up for now.


Blogger The Underdog said...

Some folks say that integration has hurt more than helped. Some say it's stunted the black race. Since the system was seperate but inherently unequal, putting people who came from an unequal system into one that is somewhat more advanced in than there own and saying, "hey, you got what you wanted, now catch up," doesn't seem that fair. You can kind of see the same thing in our present educational system. Money gets diverted from public schools, taking away prescious respurces and causing slower learning patterns, leading to many problems in communities that are not wealthy. Needless to say there are more causes to the problems in poorer communities (notice i say poorer, not black or hispanic, because this is happening to all people in a lower socioeconomic class), but i think this is a possible cause. I think the educational problems, amongst other things, has lead to the de facto segregation we see today. That's my take for now. I'll wait for a reply.

7:31 PM  

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